Volume 092 - Block Print Sampler Brush Set and Asset Pack

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This Block Print Sampler Brush Set and Asset Pack includes 30 original brushes made by myself, Delores Naskrent, including the Broken China Brush. These were built in my Block Print Class class which can be found here. Look for a coupon on the main page to see if there are any discounts available this month.

To install the brushes: First, download the brush set zip files (2) to your iPad. Go to the downloads folder and double-click the zip file to de-compress it. Double-click on the brush set and the single brush and it will automatically open in Procreate. You can do the same thing to install any color palette (see the Artist Resources for free sets - you will se one based on the class project from this class).

License info:

This license is designated as commercial - use in any way except to re-sell.