Episode 17: Creative Juggle Joy Christmas Special

Delores’ Holiday Traditions & Reflections on 2024


Hello, everyone, and welcome to this special holiday edition of the Creative Juggle Joy podcast!

I’m Delores, and I’m thrilled to be sitting down with my co-host Kaylie to bring you this festive, personal episode. It’s time to take a break from business talk and reflect on our holiday traditions, family time, and our goals for the upcoming year.

Holiday Traditions & Family Time

The holidays are a time for family, reflection, and creating lasting memories. For me, Christmas means lots of family time, good food, and finding those cozy moments that make the season special.As Kaylie and I were discussing, family dynamics and holiday celebrations look different for everyone, but they all have one thing in common—connection.

This year, my husband and I will be traveling to the southern USA to escape the frigid cold of Manitoba. We’ve been doing this for years, and it’s a lovely way to unwind, reset, and recharge for the year ahead. At some point, we welcome any family who wants to come and have entertained many over the years. We celebrate early in Manitoba. With so many different families to coordinate with, staggered Christmas events have become our norm!

While gone, I’ll miss seeing my kids and grandkids in person, but I’m looking forward to quality time with them later. And my Mom, who I am used to seeing every day!

Reflecting on 2024

Reflecting on 2024, it’s been quite a year of growth and change for me. After retiring from teaching and diving into the world of digital products, it’s been a journey filled with learning, challenges, and successes. I’ve truly embraced the entrepreneurial life, and this podcast has been one of the highlights of my year.

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Personal Goals for 2025

Looking ahead, I’m setting personal goals to continue growing my digital product business. My two words chosen for the year are both f-words (lol). Focus and Fitness, both of which I have been doing daily, as much as I can!

One of my goals for 2025 is to focus on building even more connections with my audience and creating even more valuable content. It’s all about striking the right balance between work and life—and giving myself the space to celebrate the little wins along the way.

Exciting Things Ahead

As we close out the year, I’m excited about what’s ahead. We’ve got amazing guests lined up for the new year, and we’ll continue bringing you inspiration, advice, and stories from our creative journey.

Don’t miss our first episode of the new year!

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!  I hope you find time to relax, reflect, and spend quality time with loved ones.


Kaylie Edwards (00:04)

Hey everyone and welcome back to the Creative Juggle Joy podcast. I'm Kaylie Edwards, your host, and I'm here with my lovely co-host Delores Naskrent and today's a bit of a different episode we're going to do and that's a Christmas special on getting to know us and what our plans are for the holiday season. Yes, so this is just more for everybody who might not know us very well and want to get to know us a bit more.

Delores Naskrent (00:24)

Hi everyone.

Kaylie Edwards (00:34)

just a bit more about our lives and you know a bit more personal than our business, all business. Yes, so Delores what are you going to be doing for the holiday season?

Delores Naskrent (00:46)

Well, we are traveling. We go to the warm south of the USA every year to get away from the frigid cold here in Manitoba. We've got a record. Tonight and tomorrow night are supposed to go to minus 37 with a windchill, which will make it minus 50 degrees. So, yeah.

We try to get away from that. So we've celebrated our Christmas with my family, my half of the family that lives here in my area. So that's my children, my three children. But yeah, we got together with my three girls, my mom and my four very rambunctious grandchildren that live here. So then we're going to Winnipeg this weekend. We're going to be with my husband's

children and grandchildren. So again, we'll have, think, three grandchildren that will come. One of them is he's kind of just getting past the age where he wants to come to those family things for some strange reason. But definitely we do have lots of family get togethers at this time of year.

Kaylie Edwards (02:01)

yeah, that's... I've got a big family on my side and Rhys has not as big a family so it can be a bit awkward for us for Christmas. We did the first year and we decided that we were gonna go to both our parents, well both our families on Christmas Day when I was pregnant with Aston. It was when I was pregnant with Aston, wasn't it? Yeah, I was pregnant with Aston and it...

We went to my family, we were supposed to have family dinner at my granddad's and my mum and my granddad were supposed to be making it and it was supposed to be ready for four o'clock. No, sorry, two o'clock. It was supposed to be ready for two o'clock and it ended up being ready for four. And we told his family, Rhys' family, we were gonna be there about five o'clock. So as you can imagine, we were rushing having our dinner and trying to get down to his parents and they're quite punctual.

So it didn't go down too well that we were late. I think we made it there for about six o'clock. So yeah, it didn't go down too well. So after that first Christmas we had, it was a decision we decided Christmas Day we'd spend at home as a family when Aston was born and we would go to my family on the day before and then his family on the day after because Rhys' dad works on Christmas Day mostly, so.

It was kind of, we'll work it that way. So that's how we have decided to stick to.

Delores Naskrent (03:31)

Yeah, we've tried that combining the two families and because there's, you know, a two and a half hour drive between us and then one of my husband's daughters lives north of Winnipeg another two hours and we did coordinate it a couple times and it was super fun when the kids were really little. So the grandkids were, you know, newborn to six or seven years old and one of my step-sons has a

restaurant that it's been converted into a home, but the restaurant part still existed in the front of it. And so we met there a couple times, which was super fun, super hectic, crazy, crazy. But with all the kids there, I really loved it. It was really sweet. And I wish we could still do that. But now there's just it's just impossible to try to combine.

adult children's lives from different cities and the travel and then where do people sleep? You know, where do they park? All that kind of stuff comes into play. we, yeah, we've decided we're just going to keep it separate, which is a little bit too bad in a way. There's, there's some things I do miss when having them all together is so much fun. And last summer we did something different. We did Christmas in July.

So everybody came to our place here and we managed to accommodate everybody for sleeping by them either sleeping here in our place. We have a couple of big couches and a big sun room that they could use and then our trailer, our camper. So people slept in our camper and then the rest of them slept over across the street at my daughter's place. And it was actually super fun because we were able to be outside and at night it was so.

festive to have a bonfire and roast marshmallows. But then Christmas came and we were like, but we still have to do Christmas. So.

Kaylie Edwards (05:34)

I can imagine the chaos. Yeah, I've got, because I've got a big family, I've got three siblings. I'm the eldest and then I got my sister and then my two brothers and my sister's obviously got two kids now and we've just found out that she's having a little girl. So that's a third, third one coming. So I'll have two nieces. So there's her family and her partner's moved in now and so she's got her own family there.

My brothers have got their own lives and but they still live with my mum so that's that. And then my mum and my stepdad separated when we were when I was about 18 so they but I still might I still see him as my dad like you know he I grew up with him he was the one to raise me as well and then I obviously saw my biological father as well so I've got that so my family are a little bit all over the place.

Delores Naskrent (06:30)

Yes. Jealous. Layers and layers. All fine.

Kaylie Edwards (06:38)

Yeah, layers upon layers of family. Because I've got family in Scotland. Yeah, I've got family all over the place.

Delores Naskrent (06:44)

Yeah, it's great. I love this time of year. just brings back so many memories. And we were just talking in the Thrive meeting last night, as a matter of fact, about having Christmas. And we ended up talking about everybody's different kind of activities that they do. And somebody was talking about a bingo game, but it was called Singo.

Kaylie Edwards (07:10)


Delores Naskrent (07:11)


you sing something, but it totally brought back memories for me because we did bingo with my grandma and I had 33 cousins, the first cousins. So many of our age group and we would all go downstairs and she'd pull out the old bingo cards that she got from some kind of contest a radio station was having and we played bingo. And the prize was, of course everybody ended up with a prize, but it was always that really God awful pink popcorn.


Kaylie Edwards (07:42)

My god.

Oh god. Yeah, I remember, it wasn't that long ago really for me. I'm only 31 now so I remember those days of Christmas. My stepdad actually sent me a video he recorded of one Christmas of us opening our presents and I must have been about 15 and I was just there with like this, oh it's the phone I got I wanted with Sony Ericsson or whatever it was.

I was like, my god, that's... I remember. My brother had opened this box and it was one of those remote-controlled tarantula things that he'd got for Christmas. My other brother had got like a Dalek or something like that, a little remote-controlled Dalek. Yeah, just looking back and looking at all the decorations that my family would go mad on decorations.

Delores Naskrent (08:38)

Doctor Who. yeah, same here. Yeah, it was, there's always good memories associated with Christmas. I love Christmas time. I would, I would love it if it was more than once a year.

Kaylie Edwards (08:55)

I don't think Rhys would agree. My partner. We've had, although he's gone absolutely mad this Christmas with Christmas decorations and getting presents for everybody and Christmas dinner. Yeah, he's because he's had time off. That's all we've done is Christmas.

Delores Naskrent (09:17)

You'll be glad to get it done then. You have a right.

Kaylie Edwards (09:21)

Yeah and he was like we're not doing Christmas next year. was like well we'll have to we've got a two year old he'll be three by then.

Delores Naskrent (09:30)

You can do whatever you want.

Kaylie Edwards (09:33)

It's just yeah, especially with a growing family at the moment with my sister having another one Yeah, it's gonna be fun another baby

Delores Naskrent (09:44)

It's really fun to have the little ones. You're really lucky. Like really enjoy it, just really savor it because it's funny. We were just looking at pictures. You know how you have those memories just come up on your iPad or your phone and the ones that came up were probably Christmas about three or four years ago. And my grandchildren that are here, I didn't, I mean, you see them every day so you don't really necessarily

realize what a difference it is, but then looking back at these pictures, the two younger boys were both still in diapers. So, and they're seven now, so it must have been maybe even five years ago and they were still in their little nappies and running around and it was just made me yearn, know, yearn for that time again and then, you know, even thinking of my own children at that age and how it seems like it's gone so fast.

I mean, my niece or my niece, my granddaughter is now a teenager. I mean, how?

Kaylie Edwards (10:52)

I think that...

Delores Naskrent (10:55)

She isn't, she's 12, she's 12, but you know, she just has that look. Like she really changed since last year. We have their school pictures. We just got them this week and I have them up on the fridge. So I have her last year's picture and then right below it, her new picture. And it's quite a change. Exactly.

Kaylie Edwards (11:17)

They do. Some kids go through like this period where they just completely change and it's like, where? What happened? My cousin, her eldest, he's now 15 going on 16 I think at this time and we were at Tide's 80th birthday for a barbecue and we were there and she said, can you remember when you held him for the first time and he was born?

he peed on you. I do and yeah now he's 15 and running around playing football and he's just changed.

Delores Naskrent (11:58)

I had only girls, so I didn't have that experience until we were babysitting our little grandson one time and we would put him on the island with a blanket in order to change his diaper. And yeah, then we had that little experience too where he decided to have a pee in the middle of being changed.

Have you ever seen those little Pee Pee Teepees? You can get those Pee Pee Teepees that you put on top. Just, you know, as you're getting the diaper ready, you have something.

Kaylie Edwards (12:31)

Yeah, I think you told me about this a while ago and I was like, I wish I'd known about that when when he was first born. funniest one was when Rhys was having his breakfast and Aston must have been about six months old and I was changing him on the end of the sofa and Rhys was sat just just having his breakfast. He just shot up and went straight in his bowl of cereal.

Delores Naskrent (12:58)

Are you kidding me? What are the chances?

Kaylie Edwards (13:03)

I was just like, oh my god, put it down straight away. I was like, ugh.

Delores Naskrent (13:10)

I mean, this is what our children teach us. It's patience, right? It's patience and acceptance and just resilience. You you just have to deal with it. What can you do? It's not like you could earn back time and have them not pee in the cereal. It's gonna happen.

Kaylie Edwards (13:29)

Yeah, and for anybody who has little boys, they know this. It's very difficult to change your nappy and then not pee at some point when you do have them as a newborn. It's gonna happen. It's happened a few times when Aston was like really little and there was the one time where I was trying to get ready for his bed and he was walking around at this point.

not long but he was really like trying to run around the bedroom and falling over and he peed on the carpet just as I was getting him out to get him in the bath. I was like no! Child! There's the carpet! I was like why have you done this? Couldn't you have waited? Yes. Yeah little boys, they're funny.

Delores Naskrent (14:20)

I bet. That's awesome. Great stories. Great stories. And then comes New Year's. Then we have to make our New Year's resolutions.

Kaylie Edwards (14:31)

Yes, yeah, New Year's resolutions. To be honest, I've not got many set really because we want to start, we want to buy a house hopefully. We've saved up for deposit and things so that's kind of our New Year's personal resolution is to be out of our rented property and have a house bought for Aston to grow up in. So that's our goal.

Delores Naskrent (14:59)

Wow, great. Exciting! That's huge! You didn't tell me that!

Kaylie Edwards (15:07)

So, yeah, so everything's kind of, yeah, that's the only goal really I've got for few years, that and my business.

Delores Naskrent (15:17)

That's a great goal. That's really fantastic. I'm so happy for you. Gosh, it's such a monumental thing.

Kaylie Edwards (15:25)

It is and it's just such a difficult thing as well because the house prices went up and then they seem to be doing going down now in our area so hopefully by the new year a few months in we should be able to start looking at houses that are in a better price range for us. 41 anyway.

Delores Naskrent (15:46)

Really is, of course. It's crazy around here, like the prices of the houses. We've got two or three neighbors right now who are selling. One whose wife has just gotten really ill. She's not going to recover and their house is up for sale. It's right really across the street from where my house was. And it's just a tiny little bungalow. Nothing fancy really.

doesn't even have like a separate front porch, you know, the door opens right into the living room and it's, in my opinion, quite small and it is priced over $300,000, so $337,000 or something. And then there's another one that's priced here at $557,000. That one is built on the same plan as our house, but much fancier because they put a big kind of an addition.

on the backside of their house and it faces a farmer's field where there's a bunch of horses. So it's a beautiful spot. They get the sunset on the west side. But you 575,000 like, wow. So I don't know how that compares to your prices, but.

Kaylie Edwards (17:00)

Yeah, the prices are massive. It's not, well, it was, I think not long ago, was about 300,000 for a two bed in some of areas. then it was some, it varies on the areas because we, well, Wrexham's now classed as a city. So the prices went up as soon as it was changed. The rented properties as well, their pricing went up massively as well.

So we've had a bit of a period where it was a lot higher than it used to be. And obviously with the economy as well, that shot up. But we've had insights that it might be going down soon. So we're hoping to get onto that as it starts to go down.

Delores Naskrent (17:49)

Well, I hope so for your sake.

Kaylie Edwards (17:54)

Yeah, there's some nice houses around where we live and then there's not so nice houses next to them so some of the streets you'll go down one street and it's just it's very poverish and then you go down the street opposite and it's full of big houses and they look really nice so it's difficult where to kind of put yourself and what you should expect.

Because our house, which is, it's not on a bad street really, but the problem is, is a lot of people that walk past are not very favourable. And we've had things like thrown at the door. I had, had, and Aston, Rhys had only just gone to work and me and Aston were sat having food and I was just getting up and there was a massive bang at the door and someone had thrown a banana milkshake.

at the door, at the front door and it was all down the front door and on the path. Whether it's more than likely just teenagers because they seem to do that. And we've had pumpkins smashed at Halloween and things, my pumpkin was all the way up the road in bits. So it's not, luckily we haven't had anything major happen. But it's just a worry.

Delores Naskrent (19:09)

Yeah, well I hope you get a house. I hope you get into an area that you like. We are in a very, very small town. There's only 55 houses here where I am, but we're about 10 minutes from the city, so it's still classified as a town, like a hamlet. We don't really have any people walking by, like not really close, you know, like they're out at the road.

not that many teenagers here. Like, Bowden gets off the bus and I think there's two teenagers that get off the bus at his stop with him. The rest are all young kids, young about his age, you know, in his age range. So yeah, we haven't had trouble with vandalism, thank goodness, but in the city, can, you know, depending on where you live in the city, it can definitely happen.

Kaylie Edwards (20:05)

Yeah, it definitely depends on where we live because we've got elderly people on our street and it's mostly elderly people and families. But then if you go basically down the road and across, then there's a massive estate that's full of crime and things on that estate. So you kind can't win.

Delores Naskrent (20:31)

can you do? Yeah, what can you do? It's a pretty much unavoidable thing these days, you know, it's, we've even noticed that when we are in the in the US and traveling that, you know, we can go through an area that's absolutely beautiful, large, maintained yards, you can tell people take a lot of pride and literally, all of a sudden, right in the middle, like there's two or three lots that are just completely run down and

you know, really full of junk and that kind of thing. It's, I'm glad this little town so far, like we have older houses here. So there are some of the yards and houses that aren't quite as fancy. And I mean, I wouldn't say we're really fancy, but you know, it's like, middle-class to upper middle-class here. And there's just, you know, the odd house that's a little older and maybe not quite so well maintained, but I mean,

no trouble with the people. Everybody here seems to be very friendly and outgoing. There's lots of dogs and lots of cats and lots of kids, lots of bikes, lots of golf carts and in the winter lots of snowmobiles and you know in the summer there's quads. They don't run around town on their quads but they'll go onto the trails. They'll just get out of town and then go on. There's lots of

you know, nice land for them to get, go through. Like they can go through beautiful hilly areas and foresty areas and everything is really close. So there's a lot of sort of recreational activities like that that go on around here, which is really nice too. And well, if you could believe this neighbors right to right behind us on this side and then right on that side, both have made complete hockey rinks in their backyard.

And then we have a public park space that has a huge rink on it as well. So a town of 55 houses and we have all these hockey rinks. And my son-in-law was going to make a hockey rink for Bowden, but then he thought, well, why? mean, Bowden's going to want to skate with his friends. So he's going to want to go to the park and he skates three days a week as it is because he plays hockey. Yes, he's a big hockey fan and hockey player.

Yeah, it's kind of cute. I mean, they, it's fun to watch them. He's in a, he's in a group of seven, eight and nine year olds. So he's the youngest in the group. So, you know, he's still a little bit awkward on the ice, doesn't quite know what he's doing, but, you know, he's really picked up, like his skating has really improved. He started as a two year old. So he had those little, you know, double skates and then one of those little, almost like a, what?

the elderly people use for walkers.

Kaylie Edwards (23:28)

Zimma frame.

Delores Naskrent (23:32)


It's so cute. But he loves to skate. Absolutely loves to skate. His balance is great. He loves his hoverboard and things like that in the summer. So he's definitely got the balance for it. And he's going to be a big guy. He is going to be big. So I could see in his dad played hockey. His dad is six foot four and probably 300 pounds. So he played hockey as a defenseman. And I could just see that.

that's going to be the same thing for Bowden. He's going to end up being a defenceman because he's going to be big. He's double the thickness of his cousin who's the same age.

Kaylie Edwards (24:14)

See I think Aston's gonna be tall like his dad because his dad's tall and Yeah, I think he probably is gonna be a bit big as well Because he's heavy like you don't you wouldn't think it looking at him because he's you know He's not chubby or anything like that, but he's heavy my sister picked him up when we were there last and she goes my god, I almost put my back out picking him up and he's two

Delores Naskrent (24:43)

Yeah, I can't, there's no way that I could pick up Bowden. He's 70 pounds. Wow. Except for a seven-year-old and we, in the morning he walks over here in the dark. It's still dark at, you know, at this time of year and as soon as he is walking over here his dad's pulling out of the driveway or his mom's pulling out of the driveway so they leave pretty much right after but we...

We do this big thing where they pull up at the corner and they wave and we wave and great grandma in the house next to us waves. So we're all at the windows. We're all waving. So we have this connection in the morning. And this morning, Bowden says to Terry, his papa, papa, can you put me on your shoulders? first, his first reaction, papa was like, are you kidding? I wouldn't be able to put you on my shoulders, but.

Then he got that little glimmer in his eye, like, you know what? Yeah, let's try that. So he gave Bowden some really, you know, specific instructions, you know, okay, you stand here. He had to stand on the couch and then Terry put his head down and then they got him on there. And then, okay, that wasn't enough. It wasn't enough that he was on his shoulders. He did wave bye to his mom and dad, but then he wanted, or to his dad, but then he wanted to go on his shoulders.

stand on his shoulders to wave to his mom because he thought he'd be able to reach these other windows that are above our main windows. So they did it. I couldn't believe it. I was just cringing, know, just like, my God, that's not, it's not going to end well. Somebody's going to get hurt here, but they managed and you know, he, he was like a little bit tentative, but he managed to, to stay up there. So I don't know. I, I the feeling he's going to be one of those daredevils.

Kaylie Edwards (26:35)

Yeah, I feel like Aston's gonna be like that. Like him and his dad rough play all the time and I'm just like, god no, what are you doing?

Delores Naskrent (26:46)

Our other, the other cousin, so Bowden's cousin Theo, who is the same age, they're three weeks apart in age, he's really wiry and skinny, just like hard body everywhere, just one of those guys, but also a daredevil. And last week or two weeks ago, my daughter got a call from the school saying, I think...

Kaylie Edwards (27:06)


Delores Naskrent (27:13)

Theo has hurt himself on the monkey bars. so, Tenille talks to him for a minute and she says, well, do you want me to come and get you? And he said, well, I'll call you back if I want you to pick me up. So they let him stay at school. And at the end of the day, when she went to pick him up, he said, mama still really hurts here. I don't know, there's something wrong. And they took him to the walking clinic and he had broken his collarbone.

Kaylie Edwards (27:43)

it's horrible.

Delores Naskrent (27:44)


had happened at lunchtime and he stayed at school.

Kaylie Edwards (27:48)


Yeah, yes. So what kind of traditions do you do for Christmas or if you have any?

Delores Naskrent (27:59)

We have had so many different traditions. Yeah, just the big turkey dinner, stuffing, the whole nine yards, we will do that part of it. And then my kids will each bring something. So then we end up having kind of a potluck supper. And a lot of times it's just a big mix of all kinds of different things and eating. So eating is definitely one of the traditions. We've had so many different traditions and...

With Terry's family, we do this funny gift exchange kind of a game. You bring one gift valued at about $25 and then it's randomly wrapped. I don't remember, every year they do a different set of rules as to who gets to pick first and then you can steal from other people and yeah, it's whole thing, but it's fun.

Kaylie Edwards (28:44)


What? That sounds a bit like what's it called? Secret Santa. We used to do them in work when I used to work in different places to be fair. We used to do Secret Santa. We'd get like a name out of a hat of one of the staff members and we'd have to buy a present for them like under £20 or whatever it was. Yeah it was very random.

Delores Naskrent (29:20)

Yeah, but you are you starting some great traditions for Aston now that he's little, you know, like he's here now, now he's around, right? You're gonna have this little boy every year. So this is the time.

Kaylie Edwards (29:34)

Yeah, well it's just the normal Christmas traditions, obviously putting the decorations up and things and we're doing the advent calendars with him. Rhys went a bit mad but a bit of an expensive advent calendar for Aston this year. It's got a QR code that you have to scan every day to show this little video of the Lindor Bears.

Delores Naskrent (30:02)


Kaylie Edwards (30:05)

of them doing some Christmas thing. It lasts for like 10 seconds. So each day after Scanlan's QR code before doing his chocolate so he knows now because it's up on the mantelpiece, his box, so it stays up there and he knows where it is.

Delores Naskrent (30:21)

How fun. Yeah, we've done those kind of things before. haven't seen them recently except Fallon, my granddaughter, one of those and it has a little slot that you open every day and each day has a different beauty product in it. So these little sampler beauty packs. She's at that age.

Kaylie Edwards (30:45)

she's going to them.

Delores Naskrent (30:47)


I don't think that they're doing it with the boys. don't know. mean, we'll be gone anyways when it comes to Christmas Day.

Kaylie Edwards (30:54)


my sister started that tradition of the Santa secret elf or whatever it was. Oh, sorry, the elf on the shelf. I think it's called. And I was like, I'm not doing that with Aston. That's too much work. She was like sending me last year different things, this elf that she put in different places doing naughty things. So when the kids got up the next morning, he would have done something else. I think I can't remember what it was. was like.

like I can't remember if it was like sweets in a shoe or something like that. It was so weird but yeah she's coming up with these different ideas and then one day she was like what what can I I can't think of something for tonight. It's like I don't know you'll just google it or Pinterest. Seems to be loads on Pinterest. So she was doing that and I was like yeah I'm not doing that. Yeah somebody I worked with in in the solicitors I worked with at

She was doing it with her young kids as well, Elf on the Shelf, and she was showing me and she was like, why did I start this tradition?

Delores Naskrent (31:57)

Yeah. That's the thing about traditions. Our tradition for myself and Terry, usually we have arrived to Florida by the time it's Christmas Day. On the way, we always have our anniversary. And our anniversary is the 18th of December, and his birthday is on the 23rd. So we have all kinds of

reasons to treat ourselves to something really like it's usually a really expensive restaurant or a really special restaurant and of course because by the time we get there it's warm we can we often have gone to one of these sort of outdoor smoking barbecue kind of places to get some really great barbecue food and so that we spoil ourselves that way.

Kaylie Edwards (32:49)

that's lovely. cool that's that's a great thing. So and my family as well we've got quite a lot of birthdays around Christmas time. Like obviously me and my sister are in November. It's like a week between us in November but there's three years between us so at least there's that. And then we've got my auntie Carol's Christmas Eve, her birthday. My gran, my gran before she passed away, hers was in November as well.

And then I got another cousin I think in November. So yeah, like from September time it can be a bit mad with birthdays. Yeah. And then Rhys is in February and then his nan as well, I think is January. yeah, we've got...

Delores Naskrent (33:34)

yeah we have a couple in february. my sister and one of my aunties... my auntie is day after valentine's day and my sister is the day before. yeah my nephew's also in february. i can never remember the date. it's not great. i'm not good with dates. really i'm not good with dates. the only reason i remember my sister's birthday is because she's in the same month. that's the only reason i remember my sister's.

But I have to get reminders for like my mum and my dad. It's awful, but I can never remember the date of them. No. Well, we do our best, Do you watch any like special Christmas films at Christmas that you regularly watch at a Christmas time? You know, we don't really specifically. No, we, of course, the Hallmark, you know, the Hallmark movies, they are filmed.

in Canada and quite often filmed in Winnipeg. And so we have occasionally watched those. And at the moment we're watching a TV series that has a Christmas special. It's a detective series, but it's a Canadian one, very Canadian. I mean, we're talking like Uber Canadian, it's called Murdoch Mysteries. And in this series, it's

been going for 20 years if you can believe it. it's, it's, they do a Halloween special and then they do a Christmas special. So, you know, we've watched, we just watched the Christmas special last night, just happened to be last night. Yeah. Otherwise we don't normally go out of our way to watch anything specifically Christmas because I, when I was teaching, we had, of course, on the very last day of school, we always had Christmas movies going all day long. So,

every Christmas movie that ever existed has been watched in my classroom probably you know 35 times so I'm okay with skipping the occasional Christmas movie yes yeah I do watch the Christmas movies but the one that Rhys started was the lethal weapon series I can give a word that one yes because it's got some Christmas in it so

Delores Naskrent (35:55.534)

That's our Christmas movie every year since we've been together. So that's our traditional film we watch at Christmas time. I like the way he thinks.

Yeah he likes that. He doesn't like Bruce Willis. I would happily watch like Die Hard at Christmas because I think that's Christmassy and I used to watch that with my family but he doesn't like him so he will not watch him. I have to watch that on my own when he's not here. But yeah Grinch movie that seems to be like our traditional family one. My sister absolutely loves The Grinch. She will have it on repeat so I'm not...

as much of a fan of that anymore as she is. She's literally got Grinch everything. You're kidding.

Delores Naskrent (36:52.45)

Yes, no I'm not kidding, no. Everything's Grinch. She's got like this big hoodie thing with the big Grinch on the front and everything. Yeah, mugs and plates and all sorts of stuff with the Grinch. It's mad. And I went to go and get her birthday, well her birthday and her Christmas presents and there was just loads of Grinch stuff in the supermarkets here. And I was like, you know what? I'm not gonna get her anything Grinch because I have no clue what she hasn't got.

So I thought I'll go safe and buy something that she hasn't got that I know. Wow. So does she have it out all year long or just at Christmas? all year. Yeah, all year she has Christmassy Grinch stuff. Yeah, she loves it. Do you listen to like Christmas songs at Christmas? No, I just, I can't say that I don't because I mean you can't turn on the radio and...

you know, put anything on like we have one of those fireplace screensavers on our TV sometimes at Christmas, but it's there's Christmas music, you can't avoid it, but it wouldn't be my first choice. Honestly, I do love listening to like if they're rock and roll old fashioned Christmas music kind of stuff, but the classics, not the regular.

run-of-the-mill Christmas songs. Yeah, Rhys loves listening to Christmas songs at Christmas time. If we're in the car and the radio doesn't have songs on at Christmas, I have to put my Spotify on and put a playlist on because he wants to listen to Christmas songs at Christmas. Which I don't mind, I like Christmas songs. We listen to them today while wrapping more presents. We still haven't finished. So I'll have to do them at a later date.

Cute. Yeah, so do you do all the decorations or anything like that? We do. have, because we have our big Christmas here and the kids are all coming here, we do our decorations and we're, my sister is going to come stay here when we're gone. So I like it to be, you know, festive looking when she gets here. By the time we get home, it'll be down. She'll take it all down. When

Delores Naskrent (39:16.246)

She's here, she's going to be here till almost the end of January, you know, just be there for my mom and she can work from pretty much anywhere. So especially at this time of year, she's a real estate agent, but she works with other agents and they just kind of work together when somebody needs to be off, you know, so she'll come and spend time with mom, which is super nice. And then when she flies back to BC, she's going to

take mom with her and then my mom will stay with my other sister for three weeks. And then when she comes home from there, my sister from Winnipeg will bring her home here and then she'll stay for a few weeks. So mom is very covered, very well covered, which is good, because I mean, she doesn't drive or anything, right? So if she's here, she's really kind of by herself.

unless Ché is at home from work and that's not till this time of day. This is when Ché and Andy get home from work and it turns out Ché's going back to work. So she just picked up Bowden, took him home and because of the snow right now, we got so much snow that the whole city is behind with their snow clearing and so she could pick up some overtime hours right now taking out more snow. So they're going to...

That's what they're doing tonight so they can try to get the city cleaned up and ready for some big event at the City Hall. So that's where she's going to be working at the City Hall, clearing out the whole, like, big yard in front of it.

Kaylie Edwards: nice. 

Delores Naskrent: 

Yes, but you know what she loves it because then that extra overtime that she gets if she works for a few hours tonight will probably give her two or three days off work and so she takes I think almost two weeks off at Christmas so when she's off she's really off like she literally doesn't have her phone on she says don't call me I am not coming in. That's good that you need that you need that off switch.

Delores Naskrent (41:25.368)

for Christmas. I think you do. 

Kaylie Edwards 

yeah, I can't remember which year it was, but Rhys had to work Christmas. I think. Did you work Christmas? I think it was no Christmas Eve, wasn't it? You worked Christmas Eve and then you were back in a few days later, weren't you? For a bit before New Year's. Yeah, so he had like a period between Christmas and New Year's where he had to be back at work, but he had a different shift. So it was a bit wacky.

timings but luckily he's got from Christmas off to after January

Delores Naskrent 

 that must have been weird 

Kaylie Edwards

so that was our Christmas special episode for today and we will be back with more episodes in January we'll do some more recording for you then and they were very juicy hopefully we've got a guest coming on as well not far down the line so hopefully you will listen in to that

Delores, I hope you have a lovely Christmas and lovely time in Florida. I hope so. And until then, keep creating, keep juggling, and most importantly, keep finding joy in the process. We'll speak to you soon.


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